rok8s-scripts is a framework for building GitOps workflows with Docker and Kubernetes. By adding rok8s-scripts to your CI/CD pipeline, you can build, push, and deploy your applications using the set of best practices we've built at Fairwinds.
In addition to building Docker images and deploying them to Kubernetes, rok8s-scripts is a great way to handle secure secrets management, environment specific configuration, Docker build caching, and much more.
# Quickstart
To help you get started quickly, we've built a minimal example (opens new window) that shows how to use rok8s-scripts to build Docker images and deploy to Kubernetes using Circle CI. This example will serve as a helpful introduction regardless of your CI platform.
# Examples
rok8s-scripts is designed to work well with a wide variety of use cases and environments. There are many valid ways to configure CI pipelines, but to help you get started, we've included a variety of examples (opens new window) in this repository.
# CI Platforms
- Bitbucket Pipelines (opens new window)
- CircleCI (opens new window)
- GitLab CI (opens new window)
- Jenkins (opens new window)
# Miscellaneous examples
- External secrets manager (opens new window)
- SOPS secrets (opens new window) - Shows how to use sops (opens new window) with rok8s-scripts.
- Using Helm (opens new window) - We recommend using Helm to manage your deployments.
- Production ready (opens new window) - Includes a number of recommended production features.
# Join the Fairwinds Open Source Community
The goal of the Fairwinds Community is to exchange ideas, influence the open source roadmap, and network with fellow Kubernetes users. Chat with us on Slack (opens new window) or join the user group (opens new window) to get involved!

# Other Projects from Fairwinds
Enjoying rok8s-scripts? Check out some of our other projects:
- Polaris (opens new window) - Audit, enforce, and build policies for Kubernetes resources, including over 20 built-in checks for best practices
- Goldilocks (opens new window) - Right-size your Kubernetes Deployments by compare your memory and CPU settings against actual usage
- Pluto (opens new window) - Detect Kubernetes resources that have been deprecated or removed in future versions
- Nova (opens new window) - Check to see if any of your Helm charts have updates available
- rbac-manager (opens new window) - Simplify the management of RBAC in your Kubernetes clusters
Docker →